Below are step by step instructions to add a fun little smiley
face to your phone’s home screen so you can easily make your way
back to the Daily Splash page. Directions for both
iPhone and Android
devices are included on this page.
At the bottom of your iphone screen, there should be a while/light
grey bar that has five icons that allow you to go back, forward,
share, bookmark, or open another page. That middle icon that is a
little square box that has an arrow pointing up is called the
"share icon." Click on that!
A page should pop up with lots of ways to share the webpage.
Scroll down about half way to "Add to Home Screen" option that
has a little box with a + in the middle of it. Click on that!
A page should pop up that gives you the option of changing
the name from "Daily Splash" can just click the "Add"
button and it should take you to the home screen where
you can see the Smiley Icon!!